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New Plugin: Blog Slug to News

As my second WordPress plugin, Blog Slug to News adds a simple feature that changes all mention of the term “blog” throughout the site to “news” – since blogging still has an unprofessional stigma, a huge amount of clients felt “news” was more appropriate. This can be used by site owners, developers, or anyone who wants to […]


WooThemes Video Production

As a member of the WooThemes Ninja Team, I spent time over the summer of 2014 revamping their WooThemes Video workflow process and kickstarting a series of video initiatives that will continue with renewed effort continuing into 2015. Taking consumer feedback and impressions gained from the WooThemes Community, we started a WooCommerce 101 video series […]

Flexibility of WooCommerce

Speaking at WordCamp Providence

Today, I was lucky enough to speak at WordCamp Providence about the Flexibility of WooCommerce. Couldn’t make it? Don’t worry, neither could I! Instead, we recorded it via Google Hangouts, so everyone can enjoy it here. Watch & Listen Download the Slides Since the video seemed to get stuck and miss some slides, you can download […]